AHIMA Progress Report
As the leading voice of health information, AHIMA embraces the new opportunities for growth that emerge within our profession. Explore this page to learn about our accomplishments. Thank you AHIMA members for all you do to keep health information human.
Keith Olenik, MA, RHIA, CHP, AHIMA’s chief member relations and service officer, appeared on the Talking About PHI podcast to discuss challenges and opportunities HI professionals face and the future of the profession.
Keith Olenik, MA, RHIA, CHP, AHIMA’s chief member relations and service officer, recently appeared on the Talking About PHI podcast to discuss challenges and opportunities HI professionals face and the future of the profession.
Along with Patient ID Now, we were thrilled to see the Senate removed the longstanding ban that stifles innovation around patient identification from its Labor-HHS appropriations bill. Health information processionals and our advocacy team have advocated for the removal of the ban for years. |
The AHIMA Foundation released research that shows three out of every four patients don't leave their doctor's office on a positive note. News articles about the research were published by several outlets, including Becker's Hospital Review.
We hosted the AHIMA21 virtual conference, the premier educational, exhibition, and networking event for health information professionals. Attendees earned CEUs and advanced their careers from the comfort and safety of their homes. |
Along with AMIA and EHRA, we announced the release of a preliminary report that examines key issues related to the operationalization of the definitions of electronic health information and designated record set. How these definitions will be operationalized by clinicians and developers are critical to successful compliance with the Cures Act Final Rule.
We’re so proud our CEO Wylecia Wiggs Harris, PhD, CAE, was named one of Modern Healthcare’s Top Diversity Leaders.
As noted in Politico’s Morning eHealth newsletter, we announced the first company to earn AHIMA dHealth Approval: Ciitizen, patient-centric consumer health technology platform that enables patients to collect, store and share their medical records in a single location for more personalized treatment options, including rapid participation in clinical trials. |
We announced this year’s Grace Award winner is the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center. We also announced seven winners of the 2021 AHIMA Triumph Awards.
We published an updated 2020-2023 Enterprise Strategic Plan that details how AHIMA is living the plan. |
We also published our 2020 annual report, which includes highlights from 2020 and a financial report.
Patient ID Now, a coalition of leading healthcare organizations, including AHIMA, celebrated the U.S. House of Representatives removing the longstanding ban in its Labor-HHS appropriations bill that has stifled innovation around patient identification for two decades.
We released a new toolkit that aims to provide guidance to healthcare organizations about telehealth. The toolkit’s authors highlight the benefits of a telehealth program, including enhanced access to care and timeliness. |
Lauren Riplinger, JD, AHIMA vice president of policy and government affairs, appeared on the video podcast Health+Tech for an in-depth discussion of information blocking and trends in interoperability.
Hundreds of attendees participated in our Virtual Advocacy Summit May 17-18. The event was an opportunity for health information professionals to speak with congressional representatives and their staffs while advocating for public policy issues linked to AHIMA’s mission and vision. |
On May 12, AHIMA and Rush University Medical Center (RUMC) hosted a free webinar titled “The Impact of Rapidly Developed Health Data Tools on Public Health Information.” Leaders from RUMC shared a detailed overview of the comprehensive cloud-based hub they created for COVID-19 data.
Access, AHIMA’s new social media platform where members can engage with AHIMA, fellow HI professionals, and other content, welcomed its 5,000th user within three months of its launch.
We announced the launch of AHIMA dHealth™, a new platform and tool to help healthcare providers and payers easily determine which digital health products secure and protect patient data. |
The Patient ID Now coalition, of which AHIMA is a founding member, announced its Framework for a National Strategy on Patient Identity: A Proposed Blueprint to Improve Patient Identification and Matching.
We celebrated the 32nd annual HIP Week® April 18-24. HIP Week honors and celebrates health information professionals and their impact on the healthcare ecosystem. This year’s theme was “Keeping Health Information Human.”
We announced we have been accepted to join the G20 Health and Development Partnership, an influential advocacy group that seeks to elevate health on the political agendas of governments within the G20.
After much anticipation, we launched AHIMA Access, a modern, robust digital space where you can connect with your fellow health information professionals and a variety of dynamic professional content. |
Patient ID Now, a coalition of which AHIMA is a founding member, hosted Patient ID Day on March 24. The coalition will continue to bring attention to the critical challenges of patient misidentification that afflict the country’s health system.
AHIMA International announced we're working with King Abdullaziz University to develop the next generation of medical coders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
We released a new resources page on AHIMA.org to help prepare members for the Information Blocking Final Rule. |
We shared that we sent a letter to the incoming Biden administration calling for them to consider the implications of health information as they begin to implement new health policies in 2021. We also sent a letter outlining these priorities to Congressional leadership of the 117th Congress.
We released the results of our 2020 social determinants of health survey and made them available in an engaging infographic.
May 20, 2020
The following questions and answers were jointly developed and approved by the American Hospital Association’s Central Office on ICD-10-CM/PCS coding for COVID-19 and AHIMA. Coding professionals with comments and questions...
August 4 , 2009
Determining appropriate release of a deceased patient’s medical records can be complex. HIPAA, sometimes blamed for denied requests, is rarely cause for a roadblock, however.