AHIMA Progress Report
As the leading voice of health information, AHIMA embraces the new opportunities for growth that emerge within our profession. Explore this page to learn about our accomplishments. Thank you AHIMA members for all you do to keep health information human.
We announced that Kona Community Hospital in Kealakekua, Hawai’i, has chosen to use the AHIMA library of physician query templates available in the mobile query platform from Artifact Health, an Iodine solution.
2021 AHIMA President/Chair Katherine Lusk, MHSM, RHIA, FAHIMA, was named a DirectTrust Interoperability Hero. DirectTrust is a nonprofit healthcare industry alliance created to support secure, identity-verified electronic exchanges of protected health information.
We collaborated with ONC to release a Companion Guide to accompany ONC’s Project US@ (‘Project USA’) Technical Specification Final Version 1.0. “AHIMA brings deep knowledge and expertise in patient identity management and record matching," ONC’s Carmen Smiley said. "Their real-world experience advancing best practices for health information professionals and passion for patient identity integrity made collaborating with them ideal for Project US@."
May 20, 2020
The following questions and answers were jointly developed and approved by the American Hospital Association’s Central Office on ICD-10-CM/PCS coding for COVID-19 and AHIMA. Coding professionals with comments and questions...
August 4 , 2009
Determining appropriate release of a deceased patient’s medical records can be complex. HIPAA, sometimes blamed for denied requests, is rarely cause for a roadblock, however.