Madhura Chandak Bajaj, MSPT, MHA, RHIA, FACHE
Madhura’s life motto is “The grass is greener where you water it.” At Envision Healthcare, she leads strategy development and execution for the provider documentation and education function of the Medical Group. Madhura is a data and results-driven professional with extensive clinical and business operations experience. She is passionate about service excellence, continuous quality improvement, clinical and technology integration. Madhura’s graduate degrees are in Physical Therapy and Health Services Administration. She is a Fellow with the American College of Healthcare Executives. Madhura actively participates in the community by volunteering and serving in advisory roles. She pursues world travel and soulful music.
Position Statement Question
What makes you uniquely qualified as an educator or practitioner to serve on the Council for Excellence in Education? (Please include what capacity/degree level of programming in academia.)
Knowledge is power. Knowledge is the fabric that brings us together. A very meaningful avenue to gain knowledge is multimodal education. With my educational background in clinical as well as business side of health care and work experience, I feel prepared to contribute in a meaningful way on the Council for Excellence in Education.